During this period of being pent up inside has most of us playing games, binge-watching Star Wars, and eating with reckless abandon. Some stir travelers hermits have made a habit of planning their future vacations to satisfy their wanderlust while they can't wander.

Our family and friends have very different ideas for their next travels. Anthony and his family want to go on a cruise, Danielle and her family want to go to the local beach and play in the sand, Mindy and her new husband want to go to Hawaii. So how do you begin to plan for these vacations without the clarity of knowing when all this quarantine and financial insecurity will end? We asked each family about their strategies in travel planning during these uncertain times.

Anthony works in the Healthcare industry as a Director of Labs. The Corona Virus has kept him employed, but working from home. When asked "Where do you plan to go on vacation or holiday after
this is done?", the proposition was met with a bold and urgent “CRUISE!”. Recently their family had planned to go on a cruise, but an accident had stopped that family vacation quickly.
The Cruise industry has taken a beating over the past 3 months, considering it was among the first to be shut down by governments for containment measures.
While this is a rough time for the companies affected, it's also a great opportunity for us vacationers. There are startling affordable deals for upcoming cruises, so keep an eye out for promotions from these companies trying to stay afloat. If you can be flexible with your travel dates, you're sure to get the vacation you want within your budget. Even after citizens are released from their quarantines and curfews, we can expect many to remain in the United States for their first trips after the dust settles.
There are cruises that go up and down the Eastern Coast of the U.S. to the Florida Keys. The Bahamas are just off the East Coast and many of the Cruise ships have their own islands to frolic on. A 3-5 day getaway was a perfect solution to Anthony and his family. With his work and travel restrictions from the Covid-19 Quarantining going on at the moment, surfing the options online was the best way to go. Anthony used the following steps.
Step one: Find the 5-day cruise that is closest to home.
Anthony lives in Florida and found a cruise this coming fall for 5 days that leaves from Port Canaveral, FL and visits a private island in the Bahamas and makes stops in Miami & Key West.
Step two: Find available dates.
This Cruise is from Thursday to Monday, twice per month, starting in September.
Step Three: Pricing and Financing.
Many Cruises like this one have financing options. Pricing is at an all-time low, so People have a great opportunity to travel at great prices, possibly without stretching out payments.
Step Four: Purchase and get insurance. Once he decided to purchase, Anthony bought the travel insurance to include Acts of God and all the extras that can ruin your vacation. Purchasing travel insurance on any costly travel expedition should always be a priority.
Anthony and his family are prepared with their plans to travel in the Fall of 2020. They took several online hours to find their criteria for their next family vacation. They have executed it well. We will be waiting to see the pictures of their island getaway.

Danielle's group is going to her local beach with family and it is within driving
distance of their current home. When asked where will you be going after all of this isolation, she had no hesitation in declaring "the Beach!". Danielle wants her 4-year-old twins to have the same great experiences she had when she was young. Memories inspired Danielle’s choice of vacation. According to Danielle, the great thing about visiting the beach and being close by is that you can determine the length of the trip and all other aspects. Followed a similar strategy as Anthony, her plan of action went like this…..
Step one: How long can we stay?
Danielle had a week to play with her current budget.
Step two: Amount of Time at the Beach?
However fun it is to play in the play and soak up the sun, the beach can be exhausting. Going for a portion of the week and doing an indoor activity can be added. Danielle decided to break up the week's activities.
Step three: Budget and Meals
Meals were packed each day for lunch, and breakfast was held at home.
This freed the budget for more entertainment. The down day was used to go to the movies, and for a nice meal at their favorite restaurant.
Danielle chose to have quality family time without going too far and without breaking the bank. Fun does not always mean the best places and spending money to get there, but just being together and sharing your childhood memories and places with your children. This was right up Danielle’s alley. Don’t forget the buckets and shovels!

Our last friend we mentioned earlier, Mindy and her new husband, had been planning to get married for the past 18 months and settled on a three-week vacation in Hawaii. This was going to be that unforgettable honeymoon that would bond the two for life, not to mention before kids come along. This was scheduled to happen just after the ceremony in March, but we have been restricted for travel for the next few months. Their planning was much different than Anthony and Danielle. They have been planning this trip for almost 2 years and had specific dates. This Covid-19 Quarantine was not in the scheme of things during this planning process. We will pick up the planning now after the wedding.
Step one: Did we get insurance with this package we bought?
Unfortunately, they did not. However, because of mandated restrictions from our government, they still had the opportunity to change dates.
Step two: Choosing the new dates?
This is risky, but they learned to purchase the insurance this time. For $112 each, they could be fully refunded for the trip if they were unable to go or if there were similar circumstances. The insurance covers just about everything.
Step Three: Planning a staycation for the weekend after the wedding.
Even though they could not travel they both decorated their pool deck like they were in Hawaii with Palm trees, music and grass skirts. Enjoying each other's company is the heart of this vacation. All three vacations were different, not because of inconvenience or just a well-needed break from stressful times, but all were unique to the family. Each of us looks at relief from their daily life differently and we don’t have to do what is trendy. Consider planning your next getaway with you in mind. Let others help and plan your getaway tailored to fit your unique travel ideals. You Name It Tours does just that. We assist in profiling your wants, your bucket lists, your physical outlet, etc. Let’s have fun planning your next traveling party.